Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: hanukkah

The 100 Years Club Installment #102: Gifting

Reading Time: 3 minutes People spent about $11B this weekend on Black Friday sales alone. That’s a whole lotta stuff. I reflect on the gifts I’ve received over the past (approximately) six decades and those that were the most memorable. They include a perfume-making kit, a giant pink stuffed dog, a tiny black and white TV (which was high-tech for […]


Route 66 Installment #55: JOY or OY!?

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is a true joy for me? What results in frustration rather than elation? As we head into the final month of 2022, these are two questions you should ask yourself. Last month, I focused on “gratitude” and how we can examine the people, things, and situations for which we’re the most thankful. But joy […]