Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: goals

The 100 Years Club Installment #93: The First Month of “Schooling”

Reading Time: 3 minutesLearning never ends. The longer I live, the more I believe that our brains and hearts are capable of enormous change and expansion, provided we commit to it. I devised a simple “curriculum” for myself at the start of September. My metaphorical report card for the month would probably show mostly A’s, but keeping that momentum […]


The 7 Series Part 2: Commtentment and Other Endearing Terms

Reading Time: 3 minutesNo…that’s not a typo.  It’s a mash-up of community and communications and content (and other stuff), one of the themes that will flow through 2017. I’ll define it for you soon…read on, please! A few weeks ago, I wrote about the meaning of the number 7 and gratitudes for the coming year.  Because I’m something […]