Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: fun

Play Time: From Nice to Vice (The Business of Fun #9)

Reading Time: 3 minutesPeople love to play.  Yesterday we wrote about trends in toys and games and their role in learning. How you play says a lot about your personality. The media has moved on from its obsession with Pokemon Go and is now covering Rio…these games are signs of the times and a nice break from the […]


Are We There Yet? Travel & Other Game Trends (The Business of Fun #8)

Reading Time: 3 minutesFamily car travel used to be brutal. Parents sat in the front seat and controlled the radio dial. I sat in the back seat (on the hump because I was the only girl and, therefore, had the shortest legs). My brothers poked and teased me. Our only entertainment was conversation (imagine that!), pleading with our […]