Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: food

Chew on This! What’s Tasty in the Restaurant Industry?

Reading Time: 4 minutesPresenting the First Course of “Food Week” Here I sit in the Admirals Club at O’Hare, savoring the past six straight days of product sampling, speaking, and interviewing foodiepreneurs, restauranteurs, and food techpreneurs — as well as established name brands. The first three days were all about what’s new in the restaurant world (The National […]


No Reservations: 3 Days at the National Restaurant Show

Reading Time: 2 minutes“I’m going to the NRA Show,” I mentioned to colleagues. “I didn’t know you were into guns,” they replied. Despite the confusing acronym (NRA is the National Restaurant Association), the only shots that were fired this week were the ones in the Bar section of the show, as attendees sampled the latest liquor brands and […]