Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: fearless

Route 66 Installment #48: The Monsters Under Our Beds (and in Our Closets)

Reading Time: 3 minutes I was five. I lay awake at night, terrified that the little girl on the cover of this book was hiding in my closet. After my mother read Charlotte’s Web to me I developed a fear of spiders coming down from my ceiling and landing on my face. Thankfully, neither of those things actually happened […]


Route 66 Installment #46: The Monsters & Haunted Houses in Our Lives

Reading Time: 3 minutes Anxiety can ultimately kill you. Here are the scientific facts. But don’t get anxious and read on! A little bit of anxiety can be good. Facing fears is liberating and can lead to great things. But what about the creatures and experiences we consciously or subconsciously let into our lives? That’s like watching a horror […]