Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: entertainment

Why I Am Still in Love Witih Eric Brenn

Reading Time: 2 minutes“Who the hell is Eric Brenn?” you might ask He’s a man that only those of us of a certain generation will remember. He spun plates on the Ed Sullivan show.  He was unflappable. He smiled broadly as his plates spun and teetered wildly, seemingly out-of-control. And yet, he was usually able to keep most […]


Mean Men and Bitchy Babes

Reading Time: 2 minutesHas the world gotten nastier or am I just noticing it more? The election has degenerated into vicious personal assaults and TV is filled with episodes of women pulling each other’s hair and throwing shade. (For the meaning of that, see the links, below.) I’m no shrinking violet. I grew up in the political and corporate […]