Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: community

Con-Texts. Unplugged for 24 Hours….7 Moments of Heaven.

Reading Time: 2 minutes My smart phone was not so smart after all last week.  It died. Simply died. Since then, I’ve heard tales of many other people whose phones simply ceased to work. I had to have it “wiped,” which sounds like something out of a sci-fi film. I lost many of my contacts. I lost my List […]


Now you see it…now you don’t! Snapchat and other things that vanish

Reading Time: 2 minutes “Where have you been?” I was just asked.  I’m thrilled that some of you have actually been missing my posts over the past few days. My last one was my Listicle — a summary of the first quarter and my goals for the second quarter. And then…poof…I was gone. I’m normally pretty prolific on social media, but […]