Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: community

Chinchillas & Chain Mail

Reading Time: 2 minutes Where else can you wear a rodent on your head, talk to a man in full Camelot garb… learn how to work productively with introverts, design with a giant Lite Brite, try on Snap specs, eat gluten-free pizza and pretzels by day and drink beer at night, watch knockerball, and play ping pong on a table […]


Pre-Season Try-Outs: Why Every Founder Needs “Gym Class”

Reading Time: 3 minutes Here’s Installment 2 of our “Go the Head of the Business Class” series! Every founder and entrepreneurial professional (of any age) should take a cycling class (or indulge in some other activity that produces sweat and pain and pushes you to your limits). Just as gym class was mandatory in most schools (including the University of […]