Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: communications

My COVIDiary #4: What are YOU Saying NOW?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Communications have always been important. But now, more than ever, how we present ourselves, how we speak, how we demo our products is vital. We’ve all been forced to switch over to remote interaction — ZOOM calls, websites and social media pages that engage and sell, and virtual conferences. We’re deluged with content. What will […]


Boo! The Rise of Ghosting

Reading Time: 2 minutes Google “ghosting” and you’ll get 23 million results. That’s truly frightening. Just in time for Halloween, I’m scaring-up this timely and disturbing topic. It goes on in the workplace and in relationships. It’s nothing new, but it’s on the rise. I just wrote a post for a client about short-term employees — people who leave […]