Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: business

Booze Clues: What’s Brewing in the Liquor Industry? (Business of Fun #13)

Reading Time: 2 minutesHave you ever heard of a beer farm? It’s a real thing. Just as I was preparing to write the last post in this 4-part review of the history of and trends in the booming spirits industry (covering evolution, business management,and technology), an article popped up in my feed (pun intended) about the “farm to bottle […]


A Man Walks Into a Bar: Bar Technology is No Joke (Business of Fun #12)

Reading Time: 2 minutesA Man Walks Into a Bar… Although “walks into a bar” jokes may never go out of style, the process in which one actually walks into a bar has changed radically. “Do you like our new lamps?” That was the question the bartender at the Hillstone on East 53rd Street asked us. I hadn’t really noticed, but […]