Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: back to school

The 100 Years Club Installment #83: Hot Woman Summer Week 8

Reading Time: 3 minutesThis will be the final Hot Woman Summer. That doesn’t mean that the weather (or yours truly) will be any less hot. Or that I’ll stop blogging weekly. But now that I’m eight weeks in, I realize that every summer can be like this, and every spring, fall, and winter, too. What does that mean? […]


The 100 Years Club Installment #34: Curriculum

Reading Time: 3 minutesLast week, I covered the surface side of the adult “back to school” season. But what’s on your face and body is not as important as what’s going into your head. At any age, we can learn and transform. And, just as when we picked our classes on that first days of college, we always […]