Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: aging

The 100 Years Club Installment #106: A Crap Year? Nah…A Good Day! The “Adult Crayola Method”

Reading Time: 3 minutesI talked to a friend recently about past years I remember as “horrible.” Without spending lots of words on the gruesome details, the period involved death, relationship issues, losing body parts (mine), cancer diagnoses, relationship struggles, and business and financial woes. And yet, here I am, smiling and planning for the future.  Because, after all, […]


The 100 Years Club Installment #103: The 5 Things to Give Yourself This Holiday Season

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn my last post, I discussed self-gifting as a new holiday tradition (especially if you are alone during the season). Here are five ways to be your own Santa this month (no reindeer or elves involved). The obvious grown-up toys: Gadgets, fashion, and self-care splurges (like a spa day or vacation) can be fun end-of-year […]