Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: aging

The 100 Years Club Installment #73: The Summer of Nancy

Reading Time: 2 minutesA year ago, I wrote this piece. It was about what I call Pretirement™ and the transition primarily to activities that bring me joy. After all, I’ve been working since 1977 (unless you count my college stint at Macy’s or my internship in D.C., in which case it’s 1975 — close to 50 years — […]


The 100 Years Club Installment #71: Retreat

Reading Time: 3 minutesRetreat can mean running away. But, in this case, it means running towards. Retreats are gatherings of people who put aside their day-to-day work and thoughts (at least in theory) and gather with others to communicate, celebrate, enjoy shared experiences, and perhaps even leave with epiphanies (or mipiphanies—micro-epiphanies—as I call them). I confess…I’m a bit […]