Bad Girl, Good Business

The 100 Years Club Installment #101: Setting My Table

Reading Time: 2 minutesAs I get older, I’m becoming more selective about who gets a seat at my metaphorical table. (BTW…those weird AI-generated people in the cover photo clearly don’t know how to behave at dinner.) During the Thanksgiving season, we can’t always choose who comes to the feast, but we need to prepare ourselves for any unpleasantness […]


The 100 Years Club Installment #100: My Voice

Reading Time: 3 minutesMany women have been in a state of shock, depression, and perhaps anger over the past couple of weeks. “We’re not going back!” was our mantra. “I’m not going back!” is still my mantra. This post, #100 in my 100 Years Club series, is really fitting. I come from a long line of badass women […]