Bad Girl, Good Business

Are you suffering from infobesity? Infoxicated?

Reading Time: 2 minutesToo much content turning you into a staggering chubby person? Is all of this information, visual stimulation, and social commentary making us wiser or just fat, stupid, and inattentive? In 1970 (when libraries were buildings and Google hadn’t yet been born), Alvin Toffler coined the phrase “information overload” in his book Future Shock.  The Harvard Business Review wrote about […]


Month-End Close: Up 100%

Reading Time: 4 minutesI hated the end of the month when I worked in corporate life. We had the official “month-end close,” during which the finance department would be extremely cranky as they generated detailed reports to show how the company was doing. Then, marketing needed to explain any negative results. (Perhaps that contributed to my fiction writing skills.) Then, […]