Bad Girl, Good Business

When a Millennial Fires a Boomer (Chapter 9)

Reading Time: 2 minutes Buh bye! Just as I was pondering how to wrap-up the final two “chapters” in my Millennial Mania series, I spoke to a 20-something Millennial (M) business owner who told me he just had to fire a Boomer (B) employee. We all hear lots of stories about friction between M’s and B’s in the workplace, […]


Flippin’ Pages: Why I Still Love Magazines

Reading Time: 3 minutes I just spent $20 on magazines at the airport… Yeah, those things with colorful covers and pages that turn. I’m clearly not the only one reading and buying them because the selection was vast. Although I was really tempted to grab US, so I could read the Bachelorette’s secrets and the gossip about Prince’s death, […]