Bad Girl, Good Business

The 100 Years Club Installment #35: Hanging With the “AV Guys”

Reading Time: 3 minutesI just came back from one of the best conferences I’ve ever attended — Blueprint. Although it lacked the free samples of the Fancy Food Show, I was able to feed my brain with so many new insights about the real estate and construction industries and how technology is transforming them. When I was in […]


Route 66 Installment #63: the end of the route (and the start of a new one)

Reading Time: 3 minutesMy birthday is Friday, February 10th. I turn 67. So, technically, although I spent the past year heading down the metaphorical Route 66, I’m now ready to get on a new highway. I will keep writing about aging with purpose, gusto, health, and relevance. (I have the trademark for The Silver Hair Playbook™: How to […]