Bad Girl, Good Business

Route 66 Installment #52: The First 15 Days (Were You in One of Them?)

Reading Time: 3 minutes My annual traditions now include counting my gratitudes. It began during the pandemic and carried through last year, which was a difficult one because of my broken ankle and my mother’s death. But last week, I took the stage at Ignite Phoenix After Hours and did a 5-minute comedy/education gig about getting older and how […]


Fests and Cons: When & Why People Gather (Business of Fun #16)

Reading Time: 2 minutes Music, comic books, sports, porn, movies, food, pets… What do they all have in common? These and other passions draw fans together. From Woodstock to Burning Man…from Play Fair to the Lowville Cream Cheese Festival, millions of people flock to tens of thousands of places to eat, drink, and be merry with like-minded consumers. Comic Con draws close […]