Bad Girl, Good Business

High (and Low) Rollers: the 11 People You’ll Meet in Vegas

Reading Time: 2 minutesVegas, baby! I’ve been here two days so far. My fine-tuned people-watching skills have led to the conclusion that 11 major species exist out here. They are: Bachelors and Bachelorettes. The former sport collared shirts and shorts and they slap eat other on the back and bro-hug, exclaiming “I love ya, man!” They consume large […]


S’more Smarts

Reading Time: 3 minutesI just came back from camp (in a manner of speaking). I went to the American Camp Association Tri-State Conference. One of the main topics of conversation was the notion of 21st Century Leadership, and how most companies believe that today’s college graduates are totally unprepared to enter the working world. Sadly, I agree. In fact, […]