Bad Girl, Good Business

The 100 Years Club Installment #48: Home Alone

Reading Time: 4 minutes I’ve been living alone (again) for about 10+ years. My return from a 4-week excursion to the East Coast got me thinking about the definition of “home” for me at this stage of my life. Like many things related to life >50, it’s something of a reversion to what my needs used to be. My […]


The 100 Years Club Installment #47: Four Weeks Wiser

Reading Time: 3 minutes Exactly four weeks ago, I boarded a plane to NY (Newark, actually). During those 28 days, I: Moderated two conference sessions at a business gathering. Wrote 11 more articles for the publication. (My creative juices flow when I’m on the road.) Held my new granddaughter (who’s now about a month old) and wrote an e-book […]