Bad Girl, Good Business

The 100 Years Club Installment #70: 10 Years of Help (or Not)

Reading Time: 4 minutesEach May, I’m compelled to write something about “help” (as in May Day). I was actually kinda shocked to realize that this series (my “Bad Girl, Good Business” blog) was originally launched in 2014, so I’ve been dispensing random advice and perspectives for a decade. I searched my blogs for the word “help” and came […]


The 100 Years Club Installment #69: Personal Branding & Quinfluencing™

Reading Time: 3 minutesI coined the term “quinfluence™” a while back. What does it mean? In short, it’s focusing on the QUALITY of your community rather than just on the SIZE. Although mass eyeballs and earbuds are still critically important in our pop culture, reality TV, and fame ecosystem, I’d rather be considered steak rather than just sizzle. […]