Bad Girl, Good Business

The 100 Years Club Installment #90: Who’s at Your “Cafeteria Table?”

Reading Time: 3 minutesNo Seats For Mean Girls, Complainers, and Bullies! Let’s discuss social circles as we continue our September back-to-school theme. As we did throughout grade school, high school, and continuing education, we often picked individuals and groups to hang out with. Some just wound up in our classes, or friends introduced us. Our ages (and hopefully […]


The 100 Years Club Installment #89: Adult School Supplies

Reading Time: 3 minutesNew season…new habits! I was one of those kids who loved back-to-school shopping—pencil cases, a new book bag, a funky lunchbox, and so many notebooks (and, later, colorful loose-leaf binders). I may still have my compass and protractor in a storage box. Every fall, I’m tempted to buy a big box of 64 Crayola crayons (with a sharpener, […]