Bad Girl, Good Business

All it Takes is 140 Characters…

Reading Time: 3 minutesTwitter turned 10 yesterday. Happy belated birthday to the bird! Soon after the invention of Twitter, I was at PodCamp (not to be confused with Band Camp) It was one of the first gatherings heralded as an “unconference” and it was back in 2007 (the MySpace era). Attendees tweeted to each other about which sessions were […]


Who’s Looking at You, Kid? (Analyzing Your LinkedIn Data)

Reading Time: 2 minutes  Over the past 90 days, 427 people “looked” at me. I suppose that’s a good thing. 91% of them “took action,” last week which was up 82% from the prior week. The people who are looking at me on LinkedIn are an interesting mix. They are a diverse group of professionals (including accountants!!) and 8% […]