Bad Girl, Good Business

Route 66 Installment #11: You Oughta Be in Pictures (or Not)

Reading Time: 4 minutesWhen this song was first recorded by Rudy Vallée in 1934, he never imagined TikToks, Reels, and reality TV. Warning: You may not be able to get this tune out of your head once you hear it. In fact, you may want to turn it into a TikTok dance. And I would have never imagined […]


Social Voyeurism: Why Were You Looking at Me in 2020?

Reading Time: 3 minutesSorry if that headline sounds a bit creepy.  But we all know that provocative headlines and images suck the reader/viewer in. What else draws attention on social media?  Apparently, hair, ageism, sales enablement, martech, and (thankfully) thought leadership topics related to innovation were hot in 2020 — at least on LinkedIn. Being the data geek […]