Bad Girl, Good Business

Are you Experienced?

Reading Time: 2 minutesIs it possible that 2016 will be the “year of experiences?” Will we finally put down our phones for a while and start talking rather than texting? Meeting live rather than Facetiming, Skyping, or Google Hanging-Out? Ad Age declared that consumers want experiences and not things. Time spent on vacations and going out is on the […]


12 Days…12 Grapes…12 Ways to Rock the Rest of the Year

Reading Time: 3 minutesAs of tomorrow (12/20), only 12 days remain in 2015 Make each one count! You’ve probably heard of the 12 Days of Christmas. But apparently the number 12 has lots of other significance too. For more about the grape thing and other meanings of 12, click here. But back to these final 12 days. You don’t […]