Bad Girl, Good Business

Swilling & Settling & Sherpas: The New Kid at 90 Days

Reading Time: 4 minutes Jack Swilling is my new hero. A musician, dance hall owner, canal-builder, and prospector, he was one of the first settlers and founders of Phoenix. Sadly, he was a bit too much of a party boy and died due to the effects of drugs and booze. But he was a risk-taker and pioneer. As I […]


“It’s Hard!” My Week in Review

Reading Time: 3 minutes Indulge me in a brief feminist “rant” this week. The word “rant” to me means controlled stream of consciousness, by the way. A publicist didn’t want me to include it in this blog’s title because she thought it might sound too “out-of-control-woman-like.” But I’ve seen lots of important people in business, government, and media (including […]