Bad Girl, Good Business

Growth Spurts and Strained Muscles: When Businesses Hurt (Chapter 4)

Reading Time: 3 minutesWeWork is going through some growing pains.  Although the founder is just out of millennial range (36), he started the company when he was only 30. The business media this week was filled with the news that WeWork had eliminated its bagels-and-lox company breakfasts and cut its revenue and profit targets. I’m sure the company will […]


My First Quarter Listicle. Where’s Yours?

Reading Time: 4 minutesA listicle? It’s not like a popsicle or a testicle. See the links below for the definition. Here is my first quarter WOW and GRATITUDE listicle and my mini-listicle (a misticle?) for the second quarter. It’s a great business exercise. Way better than a boring business plan. It’s simple. Just make a list of what […]