Bad Girl, Good Business

Part 1: OK…You f#cked up…now what? How to own your 2015 screw-ups

Reading Time: 2 minutesYeah, we all screw up. This is part 1 of 3-step process for getting ready for the new year — in business and in life. It’s going to be a little painful, so be sure you’re feeling good about yourself before you get started. It’s pretty simple. Open up a document or take a piece […]


Down the Drain…My Year-End Ephiphany

Reading Time: < 1 minuteBuh-bye. Just like that, on the day before Thanksgiving, all my contacts vanished from my smartphone. (It may be smart, but apparently it has a limited memory, as it keeps telling me — even after I deleted thousands of messages and pictures.) I remained strangely calm. I visited two AT&T stores and spent about an […]