Bad Girl, Good Business

Route 66 Installment #16: Dirty Minds & Dirty Words

Reading Time: 2 minutesWe all have unhealthy thoughts at times. And sometimes words tumble out of our mouths that we instantly regret. (Damn that leaky brain/mouth filter!) Last week, I shared a list of 10 ways you can spring clean your life. This week, I’m dealing with two of them that can be controlled with more focus, mindfulness, […]


Route 66 Installment #15: Are You Filthy? 10 Places Where Messes Lurk

Reading Time: 3 minutesYou may think of yourself as tidy, but… We all have parts of our professional and personal lives that could benefit from a little spring cleaning. Spring is as good a time as any to rid yourself of those miscellaneous dust bunnies that can get in the way of your living your best life. In […]