Bad Girl, Good Business

Are you Fit? Do Things Fit? How Do You Fit In?

Reading Time: 2 minutesOr, are you simply fit to be tied? The word “fit” is just so cool. It’s only three letters but it’s pretty damned versatile. My January theme for business musings is always “survival of the fittest,” but that simple phase has taken on new meaning since it was coined in 1864. According to Wikipedia (the […]


My Business Plan for the Soul: 2015

Reading Time: 3 minutesUgh…resolutions. People are still making them. And some are even distilling them to 140 characters or #hashtags and posting them on Twitter. But they are so binary. And often broken. So, here I sit at the end of 365 days, having recapped 2014, and ruminating about the next 12 months. I’m also working on my company‘s plan […]