Bad Girl, Good Business

e-me! Why e-marketing needs to be part of your mix in 2016!

Reading Time: 4 minutese-marketing is still alive and well… Perhaps it’s even more important than ever before. Yes, your inbox is jam-packed with all kinds of spammy crap. I get that. I certainly delete my share of random e-mails each day. But I still send out a monthly e-newsletter and targeted blasts to audiences after I teach workshops. Here’s why. […]


None-of-your-business cards

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhat happened to business cards? At Tech Day last week, some companies didn’t have them. Others gave out cards with no personal information or e-mail address or phone number on them. I don’t like those. If I want to follow-up, I have to visit their website, find the “About Us” section, and then figure out […]