Bad Girl, Good Business

What’s Underneath the Costume? Why You Need Brand Ambassadors.

Reading Time: 2 minutesWe all know that social media, clever web developers, and jazzy LinkedIn profiles enable people to present their best selves to the public. During trick-or-treating season as kids, we avoided certain houses when our friends told us that the inhabitants were handing out healthy stuff like raisins or candy that wasn’t chocolate. Prospects will consider your […]


We All Scream for Ice Cream (Business of Fun #23)

Reading Time: 2 minutesYes…I’m dedicating an entire post to ice cream. As long as I’m writing about the business of food, I believe that the cold sweet stuff deserves its own post. After all, the average American eats 22 pounds of it EACH YEAR. What’s also fascinating from a business perspective is that the majority of U.S. ice cream and […]