Bad Girl, Good Business

Comics Relief (Business of Fun #24)

Reading Time: 3 minutesLong before memes and GIFS… The comic book made us laugh (sometimes). My latest “Business of Fun” post scooped up a taste of the $11 billion ice cream industry. Now we’ll turn the page to another childhood treat; one that grew into a highly-profitable industry — comics. They take the form of comic books and […]


Read a Good Book Lately? (Business of Fun #20)

Reading Time: 4 minutesMaybe not. More than a quarter of Americans haven’t read a book over the past year, and the number is climbing. We can’t blame millennials or e-books either, according to this article. Who is reading?  Ultra-successful people read…a lot. But the purpose of this blog isn’t to “book-shame” you. After all, this entire August series is […]