Bad Girl, Good Business

The 100 Years Club Installment #84: Off the Grid (Mostly)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Here I am on Sunday night, realizing that I didn’t write my usual post this weekend, dispensing advice about how to age like a bad-ass.

Will anyone notice? 

Will anyone care?

Perhaps some of my 3,256 subscribers on LinkedIn will notice. Perhaps not.

I’ve come to realize that my standards for myself are WAY higher than anyone else’s.

This past week (when I was supposed to be on a quasi-vacation), I:

  • Wrote a multi-page white paper for a client.
  • Researched and wrote a few articles for Street Fight and found some new speakers for our fall conference. 
  • Recorded a podcast episode and promoted one that went live this week.
  • Attending a ZOOM political rally, where the spirit was upbeat and collaborative.
  • Spoke to and saw old friends and met some new, interesting random strangers (as one often does at The East Hampton Grill).

Then, I spent the past three days with my older daughter and her family, hanging out on the beach at the pool, playing with my grandkids (who organized a family Olympics, where I received medals for cooking, push-ups, and storytelling), reading, laughing, needlepointing, and eating (mostly healthy) summer treats.

As I read this, I realized that my week was still full of LOTS of both work and play and that we should all begin and end every week with joy and gratitude.

And if you’re reading this and feel it falls short of my usual inspirational and educational posts, I can live with that.

Maybe that’s the point.

Show yourself grace, and don’t count the number of views and LIKES you get on IG, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Just be.

Just learn to like (and maybe even love) yourself…especially on weeks like this!



  1. Bravo! Writers have to diverge and do other things. I we didn’t what would we have to write about, how would we think and live? You always provide lots of information. TAKE A BREAK, lie in the sun!!

  2. I find breaks very helpful for writing. Its good to “clean our the cobwebs” and let the subconscious run free. Its amazing what ideas you come up with.


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