Bad Girl, Good Business

The 100 Years Club Installment #82: “You’re a Lot”

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I’ve been called many names over the years. 

I do a lot of things and am passionate about all of them. I suppose that makes me “extra.”

People say things like, “You have too much going on,” or “Don’t you ever sleep?” The answers are “No, I don’t” and “Yes, at least seven hours.”

I don’t over-extend myself these days, and I’ll quickly and easily drop projects, clients, and people who are not:

  1. Helping me make money in my business
  2. Making others’ lives better. I volunteer for a couple of non-profits and mentor often. Enriching others’ lives is gratifying for me, too
  3. Bringing me insights and/or joy
  4. Treating me with respect
  5. Contributing in some way to my well-being.

Despite my mantra of “Why the hell not?” this summer, I’ve become very adept at answering the question if something doesn’t meet (or has the potential to meet) one of those five criteria.

  • I keep track of my ventures (and adventures) on social media and in a journal. I balance self-care, my passions (things I do for happiness rather than revenue — including volunteering and mentoring), and work (things that pay my rent and other mundane expenses, as well as my travel and life adventures).
  • I love Link.Tree because it serves as an index or table of contents for my business activities.
  • I track my daily joys on 1SE, which is like a hyped-up version of the old-school slide carousel
  • I’m also super enthusiastic about Canva. (I used to say I am obsessed, but one of my friends said that makes me sound crazy.) I’m always open to helpful feedback. This is, for example, a simple video I created to keep track of all my podcast episodes. Please listen (hint, hint!)

But I keep my real (personal) life highly personal. What you read online is only part of my story. I allow ample time for sloth, guilty pleasures (like reality TV), and seeing family and friends who don’t want to be part of my public media.

Many people my age or close to my age are slowing down.

And that’s a wonderful thing. But some of us are seeing these years to re-boot, experiment, and have new experiences. After all, I estimate that I have at least 35 years left! According to Statista:

“The number of people aged 100 years or more (centenarians) worldwide is expected to increase significantly over the coming decades. While there were short of 170,000 centenarians in 2000, this number is predicted to increase to over 20 million by 2100.”

I don’t judge. If you have worked hard your entire life and you want to spend the next 20, 30, 40, or 50 on the golf course, pickleball court, or couch, go for it!

My second favorite mantra these days is “You do you.” I’m not the lifestyle police.

But for my readers and podcast listeners who feel they don’t have the time or make the time to experiment and explore, don’t be afraid to be a little “extra” in your later years and step (or leap) out of your comfort zone.

This fall, I’ll be starting the process of launching something new.

It debuts on October 9th, but the “big reveal” will be in February (when I finish another trip around the sun.)

I’ll never retire.

I’m gradually shifting my focus to an exciting venture, which is simply the next evolution in what has been a 68-year wild ride.

And none of us should ever be offended if we’re told we’re “a lot” or “extra.”

After all, shouldn’t every minute of those 100 years count?!





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