The 100 Years Club Installment #76: Hot Woman Summer Week 1

Inspired by Netflix, I created a 12 “episode” concept around the summer months.
I even recorded a trailer (my 13-minute podcast) so you could see and hear my coming attractions and learn seven things you can apply to YOUR summer.
Because, after all, this isn’t JUST about me.
One of my week 1 observations is the rise of nonstop self-promoting content. I try not to be guilty of it. I’ve spent too much time on social media (despite my advice to “unplug” this summer).
I watched Dancing for the Devil, a series about a supposed TikTok cult comprised of 7M (yes, million) people. It made me realize how the digital world has turned into a non-stop talent show and compilation of navel-gazing.
Note to self:
Read more of the book I brought on my trip and have more real-world adventures during Week 2
Here is some learning from my first week (more or less) on this freeform solo excursion that you can apply to your own summer. If I were titling this week, it would be “Barre, Bar Food, Bikini & Beats.”
If nothing else, it may prompt you to think. This week, I received an email from one reader/viewer/fan who said I inspired her.
That will keep me energized for another week. Because it’s NOT just all about ME.
5 Lessons You Can Apply to YOUR Summer
- Continuously ask, “Why the hell not?” Whenever you start coming up with excuses NOT to
do something, put on your big-person pants (or shorts, because it is summer, after all) and do it anyway. If you have a terrible time, leave early and don’t do it again. One of the biggest risks I’ve taken so far this summer is publishing this article. But why can’t I be both a business writer AND an expert on dating and sex >50? Why the hell not?!
- Engage with strangers. Not in a creepy way, of course. But you can learn something new from a wide range of people. I’ve found that other solo travelers, fellow participants in cultural activities or classes, and even groups sitting at a bar eating dinner are open to sharing views and stories. This week, I ate dinner solo at the East Hampton Grill. As I entered the restaurant, a woman stopped me to compliment me on my pants. She had a cute baby and recommended some mom groups for my daughters. I sat next to a guy who was a firefighter and then became a celebrity hairstylist. Loved hearing his career transformation story! (And, if you need your hair done in the Hamptons this summer, he’s definitely your guy! He’s offering mobile services out here.) Even random people provide inspiration and education. (By the way, I often get stopped by women who want to talk about these pants. If you’re shy, just buy a pair! :))
- Minimize drama, negativity, and anxiety. Keep a positive attitude this summer unless you’re
dealing with a close friend or family member who has important “stuff” to share or you’re facing a life-and-death situation. My late mother was really good at making lemonade from lemons (not literally), and I often hear her voice in my head when my blood pressure starts rising or I get annoyed about something trivial. Ruminating about “how things used to be” is common as we age. Instead of thinking, “I miss the old days when Montauk was a fishing village,” discover new experiences in a place of your youth or find a new location on the planet that hasn’t been overrun by tourists and party people. I know that’s sometimes tough, but unspoiled areas still exist in our world. Make NEW memories!
- Fight through the loneliness. I’m not going to lie. I’ve faced a couple of really dark patches this week when I wished I had someone to share my summer fun with. Remember that people who are coupled up or at obligatory gatherings probably wish they were solo. Don’t scroll through social media. It could just give you FOMO. Come up with distracting projects. (I cleaned out my closet and filled two bags of clothes to donate to a nearby non-profit for abused women. Thinking about how delighted families will be to get my discards brought me joy.)
- Flex your creative, cultural, or other artsy/craftsy muscles — and your real muscles.
Tune into my podcast this week and hear the tale of the potholder!
When you use parts of your brain that may be dormant the rest of the year, your mood and energy level shift. I dragged myself to Barre class, bought single tickets to a play and a concert, and wrote and made a Canva journal (which always pushes me into a happy, calm place). On my way back from Barre, I discovered a new needlepoint store called The Splendid Stitch. The owner and I discussed how our generation needs to encourage our offspring and younger people to experience handicrafts. They have the same brain effect as meditation; crafters make cool stuff as gifts or home decorations, and you can’t scroll, eat, and stitch simultaneously. Even if colorful threads don’t do it for you, consider enrolling yourself in “summer school” and teaching yourself something simple and stress-free.
Below is the start of my “What I Did On My Summer Vacation” video essay.
Thankfully, I won’t have to submit it for a grade!
Week (Episode) 2 will be about FAMILY & FRIENDS.
And listen to my new podcast episode, which will drop on Wednesday. It’s about identifying the things that REALLY matter to you!
If you lived near the Bay area for sure I’d share summer fun with you, Nancy!
I love these suggestions. All about positive energy and loving life. Beautiful.
Everyone of these lessons is important. The one I will focus on this week is flexing my real and my creative muscles. Thanks, Beth