The 100 Years Club Installment #32: The Pit Stop

When I return from my travels (in this case, 21 days away), I unpack — two ways.
- I unpack my suitcase and do the wash
- I unpack what I learned on my journey.
The first part is not particularly interesting (although it reminds me not to over-pack next time).
But the second part is key. I always have an epiphany (or two) when I get back.
- Catching up with old friends and family when on the road is essential whenever possible. But choose wisely and only make plans to see people who really matter to your life.
- Pushing oneself to do/see/try new things while traveling expands your perspective.
- Planning the next adventure as soon as I return makes the “must-do” stuff (like the aforementioned laundry) more tolerable.
- My “home state” is irrelevant, I’m discovering. My apartment has simply become a pit stop during this phase of my life. I’m traveling again in 14 days. And, like a racing pit stop, it’s a great time to “refuel” and change tires — see fave people, run errands, and get ready for the end-of-the-year work and holiday frenzy.
This past trip revolved mostly around friends and family. But the upcoming one is for a conference in Las Vegas.
I missed business events during the pandemic, and I still love meeting and learning from forward-thinking professionals. Remaining curious and social are among my keys to longevity.
My “WFA” (work from anywhere) lifestyle is not without its challenges. Maintaining sleep, exercise and healthy eating habits can be tough at times. And squeezing in all my “necessary” stuff during the stop-off can be a tad stressful.
But as soon as that suitcase is zipped, I breathe easier.
The thrill of the race keeps me on the road. Vroom, vroom!