31 Little Disruptions

Buh-Bye January

I declared last year that we all give up on big goals and, instead, focus on key operating principles (which I dubbed “My Mantra Method.”)
And now it’s February. How are we doing?
I confess I borrowed the title of this post from a TV show that I’ve become sort of addicted to. It’s really not all that good, but the concept is interesting in that we can never find ONE big thing that changes the outcome of life.
So, as I looked back on my January I didn’t pinpoint a single accomplishment or result, but rather 31 little things that I did this month — mini-disruptors — that may ultimately change my life and business path for the better. Not to bore you with the details, but here goes…
- I made a few new and terrific business connections.
- I caught up with several connections from the past on my recent trip to NY (personal and professional), who reminded me or my core skill set and how far I’ve come.
- I started keeping a “mood” journal so I could avoid toxic people and things.
- I wrote a lot of lead-gen content for several sites.
- I experimented with putting more of myself “out there” in my writing, with great engagement results.
- I exercised a lot, including several hikes.
- I planned travel adventures for the months ahead.
- I buried my old newsletter and started work on a new one.
- I added hundreds of quality LinkedIn connections.
- I discovered a couple of great new restaurants.
- I mastered Slack.
- I called my mother almost every day. (She’s 92 and has been having health issues.)
- I committed to teaching at a PR workshop.
- I helped a college senior with her thesis.
- I helped another college senior with her job hunt.
- I started updating my CV.
- I got enough
sleep most nights. - I gave my younger daughter career and life advice. She’ll appreciate it one day. She gave me some advice too. Wisdom can be acquired at any age — from any generation.
- I joined a local non-profit.
- I started raising $$ for the non-profit in #19.
- I helped a few people with business connections.
- I gave kudos to colleagues and clients in my social media posts.
- I helped a new client with her branding.
- I helped a colleague promote his new brand.
- I helped plan my grandkids’ birthday party. Once a mother…
- I went to a Bazi workshop and discovered that the Year of the Pig will be anything but boar-ing for me. (A little spiritual woo-woo in one’s life can be interesting.)
- I re-joined a professional organization that has given me tremendous insights and connections.
- I planned to relaunch Embrace the Machine in February with some sexy new content (literally). Stay tuned.
- I monitored my Grammarly results carefully and committed to becoming a better writer. I updated my Clear Voice portfolio.
- I got a haircut and bought a new fragrance. (OK…now I’m stretching things, but self-care is important too).
- I made this list.
Before we get too far into February, I challenge you to make your own listicle of 31 things you accomplished last month. You’ll start the next 28 days in a better frame of mind.
Of course, there are things we DIDN’T do last month, but let’s forget about those for now. Baby steps in the right direction will ultimately take you miles.

Great idea. Sometimes I feel like I haven’t gotten anything done but if I write it down I have. It’s good to have that reminder.