Are You the Doughnut or the Hole? (Or Maybe the Coffee?)

Today is National Doughnut Day.
It’s one of those great fauxlidays. It started in 1938 and many retailers have capitalized on it by offering free sugary carbs to consumers.
But because my June content theme is “couplings and uncouplings,” I had to think of a way to create doughnuts to business relationships…so here you go! (Yes…I’m not a one-woman free-association content game show. But as long as people keep reading and commenting, I’ll keep writing.) Some random musings about doughnuts and commerce…
- When I talk about innovation, I often talk about Dunkin Donuts and how they turned their business around by focusing on their coffee. They now have a 25% market share in the U.S. Companies that simply drone on “It’s time to make the donuts” and don’t see an opportunity for product extensions are doomed. Relationship Tip: Do not dismiss the dreamer and seemingly crazy person who wants to take your business in a new direction.
- Re-purposing and new distribution channels are other ways to grow. Check out this doughnut-based ice cream cone and pop-ups and food trucks like Carpe Donut. Relationship Tip: But be sure you don’t fall head over heels for trends and lose sight of fickle consumer tastes. (Remember what happened with the short-lived cronut frenzy.)
- Technology can build loyalty. Here’s how Dunkin Donuts is embracing technology. Relationship Tip: Communication apps, if used properly can help keep your brand (business or personal) in someone’s head and heart. But there’s no substitute for live hugs and kisses (i.e., great customer service).
- Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing (in business, in life, and in relationships). When my kids were little, we ate Krispy Kremes every day on a summer vacation. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but de-toxing from the sugar and fat took weeks. Relationship Tip: Stay close to your colleagues and loved ones. Invest in a dozen, but don’t eat them all at once. Pacing and moderation will lead to prosperity and longevity.
Do you have a passion for Chocolate Munchkins or are a plain Tim Horton’s variety type? (One of those has less than 300 calories). Are you feeling ambitious and want to bake up a batch of Betty Crocker’s gluten-free doughnut holes? Are you a bargain shopper and will only eat one if it’s free and easy? No matter what your relationship is with carbs, enjoy a treat today. Happy Doughnut Day 2016!