What do YOU see?

My theme this month is “fitness.”
We all want our work (and our lives) to be in good shape. But I’m sort of tired of reading about resolutions, business processes, accounting systems, blah, blah, blah.
So, I’m going to go a little “micro” and esoteric and about the individual body parts that contribute to our well-being — starting with our vision.
Of course, you could be quite literal and read that to be eyesight…
Or, you could think about the people who are able to see things well into the future or inside others or in themselves. You’ve got the tech visionaries, the women visionaries, the visionaries who created something from nothing, and the people who were literally blind (or vision impaired) who went on to do amazing things.
Although I tend to think that true vision in business and life is programmed into ones DNA, this article offers some “simple steps” to becoming a visionary.
But, if all that seems too cosmic and difficult for you on a Friday afternoon, you can just do these exercises and try to improve your eyesight. Or read about how you can acquire X-ray vision one day with your iPhone.