Bad Girl, Good Business

The 100 Years Club Installment #95: The Two Types of Skeletons

Reading Time: 3 minutes Last week, I kicked off the “month of fear”  in keeping with the Halloween season. Now, let’s discuss Mr. (or Ms.) Bones, the icon you see throughout October. Two types of skeletons are with you all year long. The kind inside your body enables you to stand straight and move. It protects your brain and […]


The 100 Years Club Installment #94: Scary Stuff

Reading Time: 3 minutes A little fear isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can keep you safe and motivated. But when fears start taking over your life, they can keep you from having new experiences and even shorten your lifespan. The impact of fear’s stress on your body is pretty significant. It can lead to: Anxiety Depression Digestive problems […]