Pithy Power: Why Short Form Content Generates Big Results

First, a short listicle…
- The average human attention span is 8 seconds, less than that of a goldfish.
- Instagram and Twitter are here to stay.
- I have always been a short-form writer. (In fact, my English professor in college had me re-write a one-page short story, just to be sure I had human emotions. I passed the test.)
- Most people have trouble writing short. It’s an art and a science (and perhaps genetic…my daughters write short too.)
- Short form content can be an awesome way to build your business! I’ve proven it. So have some really big brands — like Coke and Adidas.
I just launched sheBOOM, an online community for female founders. It’s different from other business sites because each article takes about 30 seconds to read. Lots of pictures too (like a comic book). Pith = profits. Truth!
Short-form content is great for engaging new prospects. After all, they’re strangers. Why should they spend a lot of time with you? It’s like a coffee date. If you realize 5 minutes in that the person you’re sitting across the table with is a poser, you just guzzle your latte and bolt.
Please don’t bolt after you read this. Just send me a note with the subject line KEEP IT SHORT, NANCY! and I’ll send you my 10 tips for generating short form content that generates sales.
(They will be 10 really short tips.)
More little things with a big impact:
- The tiny house movement
- The bullet ant (Ouch!)
- 10 Oscar speeches under 11 words each
- Lots of quotes about small things